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Drinking and fighting is not always the best mix


Auditioning can be a tiresome prosess.

It remains unknown how much Norwegian kroner have been assigned to the pyrotechnics and other SFX for the movie. There is nothing to do but wait to see the end result.

Some say he is going to be the stunt driver on The Drunken Jedi Master…

… and that this is only natural since his father was a Viking who came to England in 1066.

All we know is…he’s called The Stig!

To all who have heared the rumors that The Drunken Jedi Master will appear as a sort of musical in a  Star Wars on Ice, here are the facts: It’s not just you who have heard that this film has been connected to Disney On Ice, and that it possibly would be a performance with multiple-profile Hollywood stars from the musical, Mamma Mia! (Phyllida Lloyd 2008). Let’s be clear: This is  in no way a musical and the movie will certainly not contain musical elements, either on ice or otherwise. It is therefore a pleasure to announce that we do not have a singing Pierce Brosnan in The Drunken Jedi Master

The rumours that the speeder bike in The Drunken Jedi Master is to be equipped with a prototype of an acual hover engine is yet to be confirmed. If this were to be true, the University of Science and Technology (NTNU) must have kept the whole research a secret from the public for years.

One important question is whether the hoverbike, due to Norway´s strict traffic rules, has to have a registrationplate attatched. That would surely look pretty stupid on the film, no matter how awsome a real hover bike would be.

Our outdoor location has been compromized. Our director visited the main outdoor location and learned that the whole quary has been redecorated since last recon. However, he discovered an even larger quary just beside the old that may even prove to be more fitting than the last.

George Lucas has not made any comment to this matter.

Even though Jeremy Bulloch was in Trondhiem 04.21.07, circumstances made it impossable for him to be invited to audition for the main character in The Drunken Jedi Master.

This means that the role remains uncastet at time being. The director says: “Whatever…. If nobody can handle it, I´ll do the honour myself. It will probably result in a 30 min clip for Americas funniest videoes, but… I don´t know, whatever. You know what I mean.”

There are still uncasted roles, and we could use some more extras. Go to the facebookpage for contact.

Script v. 4.3 of The Drunken Jedi Master is now available for download on the facebookpage “The Drunken Jedi Master: